We Will Not Sell to United Again

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - AUGUST 27:  Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United is tackled by Shaun Newton of Wolverhampton Wanderers during the FA Barclaycard Premiership match between Manchester United and Wolverhampton Wanderers at Old Trafford on August 27, 2003 in Manchester, England. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)

Barrilete Cosmico for B/R

In the bowels of the brand new Jose Alvalade stadium on a hot night in August 2003, Sir Alex Ferguson was finishing his pre-match talk to his Manchester United players virtually what to expect in their pre-season friendly against Sporting CP.

At the end of his oral communication, Ferguson nonchalantly added, "Oh, lads, and one concluding thing: They take a talented immature winger. Look out for him, OK? He'southward strong and active. He'due south quite skilful."

"That was it,"former United defender Mark Lynch recalled; Lynch would come on in the second half. "No large warning; no time spent on him; just a few words; well-nigh as if Sir Alex wanted to shock us."

The "talented young winger" was Cristiano Ronaldo. Over the next 90 minutes, he would accept the game of his life, earning himself a motility to Manchester United within a matter of days.

Wearing the No. 28 on his back, braces on his teeth and with recently added blond highlights in his hair, a raw and most gawky 18-yr-old Ronaldo tormented United with his footstep and skill.

"Information technology was an incredible functioning to sentinel that night," onetime United defender and French international Mikael Silvestre said. "This kid nobody knew tore us apart for the whole game. No one could get near him; he was amazing. At the start, no i had fifty-fifty heard of Ronaldo, only by the end, everyone knew nigh him."

The Manchester United players might accept been taken by surprise, but the scouts and sporting directors of almost of Europe's leading clubs had known about Ronaldo for several years.

Soon later on he arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, at the age of 12, glowing reports began emanating about the rare young talent with the familiar and famous surname. Fanciful stories would spread beyond Europe about the boy who had it all: pace, power, balance and the ability to glide past players.

Past the summer of 2002, an impatient 17-yr-old Ronaldo had enlisted a new amanuensis, Jorge Mendes, to aid him detect a move away from Sporting.

There were enough of options. A long list of clubs, including Valencia, Liverpool, Juventus, Inter Milan, Parma and Barcelona had all been monitoring Ronaldo, and many were preparing bids.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said he still regrets not finding a way to sign Ronaldo in 2003.

Armory manager Arsene Wenger said he nevertheless regrets not finding a fashion to sign Ronaldo in 2003. KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH/Associated Press

Early in 2003, Ronaldo seemed destined for Arsenal. He fifty-fifty travelled to northward London to meet Arsene manager Wenger and have a tour of the club's training footing, only the clubs ultimately could not agree upon a deal. It left Wenger to lament in 2014 to Huawei(via Goal.com'due south Liam Twomey), "My biggest regret? I was and so close to signing Cristiano Ronaldo. [...] That, of grade, still hurts today."

In June 2002, Carlos Queiroz, who had managed Portugal, South Africa and Sporting CP, arrived at Onetime Trafford to become Ferguson's new assistant. Every bit Ferguson recalled in his autobiography, Queiroz immediately told him: "There's a immature boy at Sporting, and we demand to proceed an eye on him.

"Carlos said we demand to act considering this male child was special, and so we sent Jim Ryan to lookout man him railroad train as part of our reciprocal deal. Jim returned and said, 'Wow, I've seen a player. I think he'southward a winger, but he'south been playing eye-forward in the youth team. I wouldn't be waiting too long. At 17, someone will gamble.'"

Manchester United were already in the process of agreeing to an breezy alliance with Sporting, ostensibly to share advice on scouting, training and histrion development. The real intention was to give United first refusal on the talent from Sporting'south youth teams, including access to the ultimate prize: Cristiano Ronaldo.

As a office of this organisation, United agreed to play Sporting CP in a pre-season friendly to open Sporting's new stadium in August 2003, which had been congenital ahead of staging several games in the following twelvemonth's European Championship.

United arrived in the Portuguese capital directly from New Yorkthe night before the game, having already been abroad on a tour of the U.s. for the previous three weeks.

"The truth is, we were all ready to go domicile, but nosotros had i more game in Portugal," Lynch said. "We were all tired, and a lot of us had jet lag afterward crossing the Atlantic, and I think we were up the day of the game walking around the antechamber of the very nice hotel we were staying in at something like four a.chiliad."

Silvestre adds: "None of us were in the mood for the game. The attitude was, 'Let's get this over with and get home.' For Sporting, it was a large deal, but for us, it was just some other friendly."

Silvestre started the game in the heart of the United defense alongside Rio Ferdinand. Within minutes, their attention was fatigued to the teenager on the left wing desperate to print.

The Manchester United players on the bench watched in awe at Ronaldo's performance

The Manchester United players on the bench watched in awe at Ronaldo's performance Barrilete Cosmico for B/R

"I had never heard of Ronaldo, but as shortly as he got the ball, he was beating players with ease on the left or the right," Silvestre said. "He was so quick and skillful; we were all a scrap shocked. I remember thinking thank God I was playing in the middle and not at total-back."

Onetime United defender Danny Pugh, at present at Port Vale, started that night on the bench alongside boyfriend substitutes Lynch, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Phil Neville and Darren Fletcher, as well equally Ryan Giggs and club captain Roy Keane, who had been rested.

"The first time he picked up the ball, he did a bit of skill, trounce a player and all of us on the bench sat up together and took notice," Pugh said. "Someone said, 'This must be the lad the managing director was talking nigh.'

"He was at that place to put on a bear witness. Every time he got the ball, he wanted to practice something, he had so much belief. He was however quite slight and then, but he had so much natural talent. Information technology was the style he carried the ball and skipped past players."

United had harboured an agile interest in Ronaldo for a year, and it seemed clear he was aware the match offered him a chance to banish any doubts they might have.

"After about 15 minutes, you could but look downwards the demote and most of us, including Roy Keane and Ryan Giggs, were shaking our heads, with our mouths broad open, not quite believing what we were watching," Lynch recalled.

"An eighteen-twelvemonth-erstwhile lad was taking our defence apart. We were all just muttering, 'He's unbelievable.' He was showboating, of course, but he was doing it really well."

While the United bench enjoyed the evening's amusement, John O'Shea, playing at right-dorsum and coming up direct against Ronaldo, was near definitely not.

John O'Shea drew the unenviable task of defending Ronaldo when Manchester United faced off against Sporting CP in 2004.

John O'Shea drew the unenviable task of defending Ronaldo when Manchester United faced off against Sporting CP in 2004. Barrilete Cosmico for B/R

"He tore John to shreds in that offset one-half," Lynch said. "I tin think the gaffer shouting, 'Whatever chance you could get a bit tighter to him, John?' Sheasy just turned to us, shaking his head, and said, 'Er, that's easier said than washed!'"

In his book, My Autobiography, Ferguson wrote virtually "a look of hurting and bewilderment creeping across [O'Shea's] face" during the first half. At one-half-time, Roy Keane suggested in his book, The Second Half, O'Shea needed to run into the club doc for dizziness, while Rio Ferdinand, also in his book, Rio: My Story, said O'Shea was given an oxygen mask. The players B/R spoke with had no recollection of O'Shea requiring whatever medical attention in the dressing room, however.

"No, no, that is just barrack from Roy and Rio, just making fun of John," Silvestre said. "He had to sit down and catch his breath, but he didn't need to see a doc."

Throughout the first half, Ferguson wrote, players next to him on the demote were maxim, "'Bloody hell, Dominate, he'southward some player, him.' I said: 'It'southward all right. I've got him sorted.'"

In his volume, Ferguson wrote that he told his kit human being, Albert Morgan, 'Get upwardly to that directors' box and get [United chief executive] Peter Kenyon down at half-time.' I told Peter, 'We're non leaving this ground until we've got that boy signed.'

Peter asked: 'Is he that skilful?'

'John O'Shea has ended up with a migraine!' I said. 'Get him signed.'"

After scouting Ronaldo for some time before facing him, Alex Ferguson was convinced he had to sign Ronaldo that same night.

Afterwards scouting Ronaldo for some fourth dimension before facing him, Alex Ferguson was convinced he had to sign Ronaldo that aforementioned dark. Barrilete Cosmico for B/R

Eight minutes into the second half, O'Shea was spared whatever more than penalisation, as Lynch replaced him at right back.

"I had noticed in the warm-up that the pitch was i of the worst I had ever seen; it was in a terrible state," Lynch remembered. "You simply couldn't play on it. It was very difficult to even plant your foot to kick the ball, because the pitch would give fashion below you and the brawl was just bobbling everywhere."

"Ronaldo had the brawl stuck to his foot, dancing around all of united states. The thought occurred to all us that if he could play this well on this terrible pitch, just what will he be capable of on a decent surface? It was frightening to consider it.

"Ronaldo struck fear into me. Yous had to watch him so carefully, and at one indicate, he put the ball through my legs, and all I could do was bring him downward. They scored their 2d goal from that free-kick. He was unplayable that dark."

Lynch was offered a respite when Ronaldo switched to the correct fly, where the task of stopping him barbarous to Pugh, who had come up on for Kieran Richardson for the final one-half-hour.

"When he ran at me, I idea, 'Encarmine hell, what am I am going to practise?'" Pugh said. "He could go left or right and had every trick imaginable. He was strong and could dispense the brawl so well."

Sporting finished with a iii-ane win, just that paled in importance to the impression Ronaldo had made. For the first time many of those B/R spoke with could remember, United players proceeded to badger Ferguson to sign an opposing player.

"Phil Neville came directly off the pitch and walked upwards to Sir Alex in the dressing room," Silvestre said. "'Boss, you lot have to sign him, yous only have to! Sir Alex only said, 'OK, OK, don't worry, nosotros are going to get it sorted.'"

Showered and dressed in their club blazers, United players were forced to sit down on the coach outside the stadium for what they noticed was an unusually long time. Within, Ferguson and Kenyon were trying to negotiate a deal to sign Ronaldo. Ferguson had non been joking almost non leaving until it was done.

After dazzling Manchester United's players in leading Sporting to a victory, Ronaldo inked a record £12.24 million transfer deal to join Alex Ferguson and Co.

After dazzling Manchester United's players in leading Sporting to a victory, Ronaldo inked a record £12.24 meg transfer deal to join Alex Ferguson and Co. Barrilete Cosmico for B/R

Non but had Ronaldo's performance lent an urgency to the negotiations, but and then, too, did the presence of some competing clubs that evening. Barcelona football director Txiki Begiristain had been inside the stadium that night to scout Ronaldo, while Carlos Queiroz, who had only been appointed Real Madrid manager, had instructed his sporting director, Jorge Valdano, to quickly sign the player.

Originally, United had planned to sign Ronaldo then loan him dorsum to Sporting for a year. Now they wanted him in Manchester immediately. After the game, they agreed to pay Sporting £12.24 million, a British record for a teenager.

In a small-scale room inside the stadium later the game, Ferguson spoke to Ronaldo and his agent, Jorge Mendes. "We told him how much we would love to sign him for United," Ferguson wrote in his book. "I said, 'You won't play every week, I'm telling you lot that at present, merely you'll become a starting time-team role player. There's no incertitude in my mind near that. ... It'll have time for you to adapt. We'll look subsequently you.'"

Meanwhile, the players waited.

"Nosotros were sitting on the passenger vehicle for more an 60 minutes, so the rumours started amidst united states of america that the manager was actually signing him," Silvestre recalled. "Finally, Sir Alex got on the coach, and we were all maxim, 'Have we got him?' The manager just smiled."

It was the smiling of a human being who had captured the best immature role player in the world. A few days afterwards, Ronaldo and his family, accompanied by Mendes, were on a private jet to Manchester to sign his United contract.

On a bout of United'due south Carrington training footing, Ronaldo, wearing a memorably bright jumper, met his new team-mates.

"Ronaldo bumped into John O'Shea, and John joked, 'You lot owe me for getting you this move!'," Pugh said. "It was translated for him, and Ronaldo began laughing a lot."

United players recollect a shy teenager off the pitch, but Ronaldo became a confident character every bit soon as he joined them for training.

"He did non have a nervous bone in his body," Lynch said. "He walked into the club and onto the grooming pitch similar he belonged here. I take seen many immature lads get nervous most playing with superstars, but he already thought he was one himself. He carried himself so well and just took it all in stride."

Ten days later playing for Sporting CP confronting United, Ronaldo would make his debut at Old Traffordon the opening solar day of the new Premier League season.

Wearing the now-iconic No. 7 on his back for the first fourth dimension, Ronaldo came on every bit a substitute for Nicky Butt with a one-half-hour remaining. He picked up where he had left off in Portugal with a functioning full of skill, footstep and a flurry of indulgent stride-overs, as United beat Bolton 4-0.

Ronaldo played for Ferguson at United until 2009, when he moved on to Real Madrid for a world-record fee.

Ronaldo played for Ferguson at United until 2009, when he moved on to Real Madrid for a world-record fee. STEVEN GOVERNO/Associated Printing/Associated Press

In the stands, veteran Manchester Evening News reporter Stuart Mathieson remembers Tom Tyrrell, a presence in the Sometime Trafford printing box for more than four decades, saying, "I've not seen a debut like that since George Best."

To Silvestre, who started against Bolton, "It was Ronaldo trying to impress everyone in a hurry again, holding onto the ball a lot, but the crowd loved it and were on their feet."

It also was the first of Ronaldo'south 292 appearances for Manchester United, over which fourth dimension he would score 118 goals and win three Premier League titles, an FA Loving cup, two League Cups, the Champions League, and the Club Earth Cup. He then joined Real Madrid in 2009 for a earth-record £eighty million and went on to enjoy even greater success in the Spanish capital.

A couple of months after his United debut, Ronaldo was sitting in a Jacuzzi next to Silvestre later on a preparation session at Carrington.

"I told him: 'Yous know, I think yous can be the earth'southward best histrion, and one twenty-four hour period presently you will win the Ballon d'Or,'" Silvestre remembered. "Ronaldo just had a large grinning, but now he's won it four times, and it all started for him with that friendly in Lisbon all those years ago."


Source: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2735948-he-was-there-to-put-on-a-show-ronaldos-legendary-manchester-united-audition

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