Final Fantasy 1 Box Art Final Fantasy 1 Nes Box Art Japan

Every Final Fantasy comprehend ranked from worst to best

(Epitome credit: Foursquare-Enix)

Final Fantasy evokes powerful emotions; longing, audacious optimism, ridiculous practiced sense of humor, and awe are natural byproducts of wandering through the series' strange worlds. That human tapestry ain't exactly easy to encapsulate in a single paradigm, though. How the hell exercise you interpret a spectrum of experience that includes somber reflections on the pregnant of life with riding a giant bird off a mountain into a single piece of cover art? The answer is: you tin't. Square-Enix keeps on trying anyhow. Sometimes they fifty-fifty come close! Other times… woof. Here, then, are all of the chief Concluding Fantasy game covers ranked from worst to best.

Note: These are the covers for each numbered title as they appeared in the West with the correct name. It's a little confusing. Final Fantasy vi, for example, was start released outside of Japan as Final Fantasy iii. We're going with examples where the game showed up under its real title. Which is good, because that SNES cover is a travesty.

Concluding Fantasy x

Congratulations, Final Fantasy 10: you are the worst advertisement for a tanning salon I take ever seen. What am I supposed to go out of this? Is this game nearly the lead singer of a Sugar Ray encompass band who's had so many strawberry daiquiris that he forgot to take off his clothes before going swimming? This doesn't say I'yard about to keep a mind bending adventure where sorcerers and athletes fall in dear while fighting monsters. Information technology says I'm in hell and hell is MTV Spring Break in 2002 forever.

Terminal Fantasy thirteen

Full disclosure: I honey Final Fantasy thirteen and its divisive star Lightning. Monumental pacing problems and irritating characters aside (Snow and Serah are the worst CW testify I've e'er endured), the globe of Gran Pulse and Cocoon is fascinatingly bizarre and Lightning's emotionally distant struggle to understand it is endearing as a consequence. None of that magical weirdness is present in this encompass for what appears to be an advertising for the opening of an inconveniently remote Ikea in Hokkaido. Information technology's non even the finished ad, just some placeholder nonsense earlier theY show the attractive warrior selecting her Skruvsta chair.

Final Fantasy 2

Sparse austerity is a motif that actually works for Last Fantasy covers as you lot'll encounter later in this listing. For Final Fantasy 2's first appearance outside of Japan, this is not the example. Look at this MS Paint nonsense. It's bad enough that when this game finally escaped Japan it lost its righteous psychedelia past manner of Tolkien fine art, merely this barebones attempt isn't even up to the standard of the cancelled NES version. At least we finally got to play its broken, confusing boxing arrangement.

Concluding Fantasy 15

Ten years we waited for Final Fantasy 15. Ten years of rumors, speculation, and obsession over brief trailers for a game that started equally a PlayStation 3 exclusive named Final Fantasy Versus 13. When it finally re-emerged as Final Fantasy 15 at E3 2013, we saw a trailer depicting a stunning fantasy world mixing hypermodern urban life with fantastic depictions of wildlife and magic. All of that culminated in this comprehend, a discarded affiche for a male beauty pageant hosted by a Nick Lachey-less 98 Degrees and sponsored by 50'Oreal. Where is the blonde guy fifty-fifty going? Everyone has to order yous online, Terminal Fantasy xv, because they'll exist mortified buying you at a store.

Terminal Fantasy 9

In terms of cast lovability, Final Fantasy 9 ranks loftier in the series pantheon. There isn't a dud among them. Zidane's a classic lead, Vivi is the get-go personality behind the iconic black mage design, and Freya is most Jim Hensonian in her warm mix of animal and human characteristics. Lumping them all together like this on the cover, though, captures none of the whimsy in their run a risk. They look like a brochure for an online college where cosplay is a major. Sign up today and you lot too tin can learn to make Amarant wigs!

Final Fantasy 8

Another example of how Concluding Fantasy would have been better served by sticking to its original encompass art. Final Fantasy 8 is a very, very strange story about a witch from the future trying to take over the world past compressing the past and the futurity into a single fourth dimension. And teenagers falling in honey. Correct. Chew on that. Rather than sticking with elegant simplicity, nosotros get an 8th grader's try at sexy stoicism. Ease downwards on the lavender and we'll all go through this, kid.

Final Fantasy 14

Things are starting to improve, but not by much with Concluding Fantasy fourteen: A Realm Reborn. (We're going with A Realm Reborn rather than the original Final Fantasy 14 because, much like Square-Enix and its shareholders, we're trying to forget it ever happened.) On the bright side, the Final Fantasy Judge is a remarkable slice of character design which is striking on its own even if it doesn't evoke the broad swath of experiences in this MMO. On the other side, Cool Guy With Sword is a pretty generic video game embrace theme.

Concluding Fantasy 11

The original Terminal Fantasy MMO definitely did a better job at capturing the spirit of the serial. The plain white background with concept artist Yoshitaka Amano'south logo depicting a united, ephemeral band of adventurers is stirring. The bizarre amalgam of cutscene screenshots and logos beneath information technology undercut whatsoever sense of budding majesty, though. All these years later, the cover is as much a monument to hilariously named internet services like PlayOnline as it as a work of art.

Final Fantasy v

Now we come up to the good stuff. Final Fantasy v, some other early entry that waited until the Game Boy Accelerate to come west, benefits from a cover that'southward far more than romantic than the game itself. This is, after all, a game well-nigh a guy named Buttz whose all-time friend is a behemothic chicken and your mission is to fight random battle after random battle so he can slowly learn barely distinguishable jobs. Amano'south fragile characters on the cover, though, hint at a wispy world where even dudes named Buttz tin exist heartthrobs.

Final Fantasy three

What Terminal Fantasy two got so wrong, Terminal Fantasy 3 gets very correct. Plain, graceful, and breathtaking, the Concluding Fantasy 3 cover for Nintendo DS is virtually perfect. The gorgeous logo captures how basic the game itself is. The original version on NES marked the first appearance of the Chore Arrangement, where y'all train upward characters in dissimilar vocations that can alter as you lot go. That's pretty much all there is to information technology. From a story perspective, information technology's even straightforward good-versus-evil stuff than the first game. Beautiful and simple.

Concluding Fantasy

When Last Fantasy came out in 1990, the earth even so hadn't gotten on board with JRPGs. Function-playing adventures were still largely stuck in 1970s Dungeons and Dragons fashion, which is no bad thing. Everyone likes burly men and women wearing fur thongs in muddied landscapes. This embrace graces up against that sort of Monster Guide territory with its big medieval weapons and crystal assurance thing, but there's a subtle quality to it that still feels distinctly Final Fantasy. It remains iconic even as the series' more gossamer characteristics take come to the fore.

Concluding Fantasy 12

I of the master criticisms leveled confronting Final Fantasy 12 by haters is that "it'due south just weird Star Wars." Is it really a criticism when the game clearly knows that it's but riffing on the plot of the 1977 space opera? Even the comprehend apes the classic movie posters of Drew Struzan, combining the game's cast and its ethereal earth design into a pyramid similar collage of romantic imagery. In the same fashion Sturzan arranged George Lucas characters to maximum result, Final Fantasy 12's cover pulls you into its Star Wars Only Super Manga Sexy world. Just wait at that sepia toned Balthier and Fran and tell me you don't want to know virtually the hottest version of Han Solo and Chewbacca always.

Final Fantasy vii

With the exception of the occasionally mangled English script, Foursquare got everything right most Final Fantasy seven's release in the Westward. Decades later, information technology'south nonetheless the nucleus of RPG fandom around the globe because of its batshit story, iconic characters, astonishing music, and sumptuous art. The American cover is arguably the best version, a ghostly but still bright rendering of Cloud Strife as he stares up at the Shinra mako reactor, a classical depiction of resistance against corrupted ability. It nails both the game's nature as a technological showcase and equally an environmentally conscious science fiction romance.

Final Fantasy four

The first time around in the W, Final Fantasy 4 was chosen Final Fantasy ii, its difficulty was halved, and about of its characters lost their specialized abilities in an endeavor to make the game more accessible. Information technology also got a comprehend that was j ust a logo against an angry red background. Not bad, only information technology doesn't exactly embody a story where the hero has to literally fight the evil in his soul before flying a dwarven spaceship to the freaking moon. Many years later, Terminal Fantasy 4 fabricated it to the US in an unedited, expanded grade called Final Fantasy 4 Accelerate and it brought with it not just the sketched effigy work of Yoshitaka Amano only a full, brand new painting. The thick color, athwart bodies, and otherworldly faces capture everything nigh Last Fantasy 4 that's kept people playing it for a quarter of a century.

Terminal Fantasy 6

So that Final Fantasy 3 SNES art we linked to in a higher place is pretty terrible. Our ain Connor Sheridan described it as the crappy art on the side of a county fair haunted house. When information technology returned to the W appropriately named Final Fantasy 6 as part of the Concluding Fantasy Anthology, that mistake was remedied, and how. While Yoshitaka Amano's logos and characters accept appeared on other covers, Final Fantasy 6 marks the kickoff time that one of his concept art landscapes made it to the cover as well. This portrait of Terra atop her Magitek armor before one of the game's impossible cities actually manages to encapsulate everything Final Fantasy is at its best, an adept blend of sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and something wholly unique and strange that belongs just to this serial. It'southward sexy and strong, familiar and distant, all at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

Anthony John Agnello

I've been playing games since I turned four in 1986, been writing well-nigh them since 1987, and writing about them professionally since 2008. My married woman and I live in New York Metropolis. Chrono Trigger is my favorite game ever made, Hum's Downward is Heavenward is my favorite album, and I regularly find myself singing "You Won't Run into Me" past The Beatles in awkward situations.


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