Where to Buy Tabard to Increase Highmountain Rep

Reputation Levels
Equal Points
to levelup
Price reduction Notes
Exalted 0 20% Access to biracial and faction mounts and tabards
Revered 21,000 15% Access to bags in Alliance and Swarm factions
Honored 12,000 10% Heroic verse mode keys for Outland dungeons
Friendly 6,000 5% Championing tabards for Northrend factions
Neutral 3,000
Unfriendly 3,000 Cannot bargain, sell surgery interact.
Dirty 3,000 You will always be attacked on sight
Unloved 36,000

You toilet gain or recede favor, otherwise known as repute, with many of the individual different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures (mostly bosses and mobs). Doing so will usually unlock special rewards surgery new quests to accomplish.

You can also increase your reputation away doing repeatable reputation quests.


  • 1 Reputation levels and points
  • 2 Reputation sheet
  • 3 Gaining and losing reputation
  • 4 Repute Modifiers
  • 5 Gaining reputation with the Horde or Alliance factions
    • 5.1 Tabards
  • 6 List of factions and rewards
  • 7 In Wrath of the Lich King
  • 8 References
  • 9 Patch changes
  • 10 See also
  • 11 External golf links

Reputation levels and points

Mostly grand as of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Alignment

Reputation is very similar to feel. Reputation is divided into a number of different levels for which players moldiness earn reputation points to progress through. High reputation levels broadly call for more points than the previous level to come along. The exception is hated, which spans a real large number of reputation points. Reputation points, just ilk experience points, are gained through quests and cleanup various mobs. Unlike experience, information technology is possible to lose report points with some factions, either by killing members of the faction or by assisting rival factions. For rival factions, gaining reputation with one will normally decrease reputation with the other, merely at a greater rate. For instance, if you kill a magram centaur, you will gain 20 points of report from the gelkis, but will suffer 100 points from the magram. Currently there are 5 of these rival-sect pairs: Aldor (Draenei) vs. Scryers (Blood Elves), Gelkis vs. Magram (both Centaur), Steamwheedle Cartel (Goblins) vs. Bloodsail Buccaneers (pirates), Ravenholdt (rogues) vs. Syndicate (Thugs), and The Oracles (Gorlocs) vs. Frenzyheart Tribe (Wolvar).

Versatile quests and faction-specific rewards are available across the levels, but the player must be healthy to interact with the faction NPCs to gain access to these rewards. This usually requires Neutral surgery better standing.

NOTE: All NPCs with whom you have Friendly or higher reputation leave seem green in game. The equal colours higher up are only used in WoWWiki and in the Inventory.

Reputation flat solid

You nates crack your reputation with completely factions by pressing the "u" hotkey or by expiration to the Character window ("c" hotkey) and clicking on the Reputation tab along the penetrate. You give the axe also enable or disable various options:

  • Show as experience legal community: Allows you to display matchless reputation bar as a experience prevention on your main display.
  • At War: If checked, you can pundit combat with NPCs of that faction, and your AoE spells leave touch the mobs of that sect. It's always checked if you are Hated OR Hostile; it tush't be checked for other races within the Bond/Horde.
  • Inactive: Moves the chosen faction to the bottom of the reputation pane.

Gaining and losing reputation

By and large exalted A of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Horde

Completing non-repeatable quests will usually increment your reputation with the quest giver's faction(s) by a fixed number of points. Most of the factions also have special repeatable quests that afford reputation when completed, operating theatre special mobs that give report when killed.

Chuck-full reputation is still gained by questing at a higher level off. For example, completing low-growing level quests with a grade 80 character now gives full reputation. This makes it easier to gravel exalted and purchase another faction's mount.

Grey mobs used to commit 20% of the normal repute until the release of Piece 3.0.8. Straight off any mob will give full reputation. See the mob trouble colors graph for when mobs transition from green to achromatic.

Mobs and quests sometimes both increase your report with a faction but lessen it with some other. For example, killing Gelkis centaurs will increase your reputation with the Magram, but information technology will also decrease your reputation with the Gelkis. Thus there is no way to be Friendly with the Gelkis and the Magram at the same time.

For higher-last factions, a general scheme exists to make a reputation grind As painless as possible. Take the Silver Dawn for example. On that point are individual ways in which to earn report for them: doing standard quests, killing mobs in and around Scholomance and Stratholme, killing bosses, and doing repeatable quests. The problem is that each of these methods will only if work to a certain extent. Humourous standard mobs will normally only start you to Revered or and so. After that, entirely quests and bosses will give reputation and these are of course harder to do. Therefore, it is in a player's best interest to go as far A possible on pack kills incomparable and so use quotable quests and standard quests to start out through venerable. Example: for Argent Fall into place reputation, run Scholomance and Stratholme to get reputation from kills until you strive Revered status. At this breaker point, reputation gained from killing mobs will stop, but you should have built up quite an collection of Scourgestones and much to ric in in rapid succession to foster encourage your repute. Same tactics can be practical to other factions, simply varied the instances you run.

Reputation Modifiers

There are several passive spells that increase the rate at which one gains report. Human characters experience a racial passive spell named Statecraft which increases all repute gains by 10%. The Mr. Popularity Society Pick up was eliminated with patch 6.0.2 but a 10% incentive via the Darkmoon Faire that inalterable an hour can be obtained.

Gaining reputation with the Horde or Alliance factions

Faction formulae.png

All playable race has a home faction, for model Darnassus for night elves, Orgrimmar for orcs, etc.

Gaining reputation with your home faction provides access to discounted prices at their vendors, and bound Wrath of the Lich King reputation achievements. Even so, gaining repute with opposite factions may provide additional benefits, such as specific items, patterns, spells etc which can be purchased from vendors of that camarilla at certain reputation levels. In addition, if you want a mount of a faction that is not your own, you must live Exalted with them. For example, if you are a round and you want to buy in a wolf mount, you essential glucinium Exalted with Orgrimmar.

Most quests for an Alliance or Horde camarilla will give full reputation gain for that faction, and matchless quarter of that reputation gain for the other factions on that side. E.g., a quest completed for a Stormwind NPC wish give 250 Stormwind reputation and 62.5 report for the strange Bond factions.

At level 77 and preceding, characters can profit reputation with their sect's races by completing quests for the Argent Tourney. Each Valiant quest rewards 250 reputation points for the appropriate race, and 62.5 for each of the other races in the faction. (e.g. Completing a time unit quest American Samoa a Brave of the Undercity gives 250 Undercity reputation, 62.5 Orgrimmar, 62.5 Sca Steep, etc.) To boot, the Champion daily quests can optionally award a Champion's Writ, which behind be exchanged for 250 repute with any of the home cities.

There is no means to step-up or even view your reputation with factions of the opposite team (ex: You cannot increase your Undercity reputation while playing an Alliance character).


Equally of Patch 4.0.3 ( World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and the Shattering), you can buy a tabard for a specific urban center/cabal faction, equivalent a [Thunder Bluff Tabard] , and you can gain some repute for each kill in a not-Outland dungeon.[1]

Number of factions and rewards

For a listing of recipes available grouped away tradeskill, see these pages:

Most factions listed below have itemized lists of reputation rewards at their respective entries.

Radical Faction Gaining Repp Rewards

AllianceGnomeregan Exiles
AllianceExodar World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
AllianceGilneas World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Completing non-repeatable quests. Completing the many repeatable quests in Alterac Valley (see section connected the Repeatable repute quest). Completing Valiant quests at the Argent Tournament, or complementary Champion quests in exchange for a Champion's Writ. Group mounts at exalted.

Discounts according to floor of reputation (Bandage 2.3).
Money achievement.pngAmbassador of the Alliance when exalted with all Alliance racial factions (as of Patch 4.1).


HordeDarkspear Trolls
HordeThunder Bluff
HordeSilvermoon World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
HordeBilgewater Cartel World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Completing non-repeatable quests. Complementary the many a repeatable quests in Alterac Vale (see section on the Repeatable reputation quest). Completing Courageous quests at the Argent Tournament, or completing Champion quests in exchange for a Champion's Writ. Racial mounts at lofty.

Discounts according to degree of reputation (Patch 2.3).
Money achievement.pngAmbassador of the Horde when exalted with altogether Horde racial factions (as of Patch 4.1).

AllianceAlliance PvP

AllianceLeague of Arathor
AllianceSilverwing Sentinels
AllianceStormpike Guard duty

Fighting in the battlegrounds; additive not-quotable quests. Repeatable quests in Alterac Vale for Stormpike Guard duty. <Justicar> statute title when exalted with all three. Stormpike Guard gives Ability mount mountainram.png [Stormpike Battle Charger] at exalted.
HordeHorde PvP

HordeFrostwolf Clan
HordeWarsong Outriders

Fighting in the battlegrounds; complemental non-quotable quests. Quotable quests in Alterac Valley for Frostwolf Kindred. <Conqueror> statute title when exalted with wholly three. Frostwolf Clan gives Ability mount whitedirewolf.png [Frostwolf Howler] at sublime.
Steamwheedle Cartel

NeutralBooty Bay

Behind be redoubled complemental not-quotable quests or violent death fated mobs. Every time you gain Oregon lose a certain come of reputation with one of these factions, you will gain or fall back 50% of that number with all the others. About all quests for Prize Alcove will lower your reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Quotable turn-in quests offered when at a lower place neutral standing. Repeatable quests from the goblin seller past the boat to Feathermoon in Feralas give rep with the entire Cartel simultaneously Eastern Samoa will the repeatable seeking Free Knot! inside of Horrific Maul. Discounts according to take down of reputation. (Speckle 2.3) If you are at state of war with these factions you cannot use the nonsubjective auctions or some ships without being attacked on sight past guards. The zeppelins are relieve usable as a recent patch aligned the zeppelin masters and their guards with Orgrimmar.
Outland World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade NeutralCenarion Expedition Doing quests at Evergrove or Cenarion Refuge, and running any of the Coilfang Reservoir instances and turn in Unidentified Works Parts to honored. Several rewards including Cenarion Warfare Hippogryph mount.
AllianceHonor Hold Doing quests at Honor Hold, and track whatever of the Hellfire Citadel instances.
AllianceKurenai Doing quests at Telaar and Orebor Harbourage, killing ogres and orcs around Nagrand. Several rewards including epic ground Mounts.
HordeMagazine'har Doing quests at Garadar and Mag'har Post, killing ogres and orcs around Nagrand. Various rewards including epic ground Mounts.
NeutralOgri'la Doing quests at Ogri'la. Items, armour and weapons.
NeutralNetherwing Doing quests at Netherwing Ledge. Several rewards including Nether drake mount.
NeutralSporeggar Doing quests at the Spawning Glen and Sporeggar, jetting the Underbog (for items).
NeutralThe Pool Doing quests around all of Outland, track Mana-Tombs.
HordeThrallmar Doing quests at Thrallmar, running any of the Hellfire Bastion instances.
Shattrath City World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade NeutralLower berth Urban center Doing their quests around Terokkar Wood, gushing Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, or Tail Labyrinth.
NeutralSha'tari Skyguard Doing quests at Skettis and Ogri'Louisiana, killing mobs at Skettis. Individual rewards including Nether Light beam mount.
NeutralShattered Sun Yucky Doing quests in Shattrath. Doing quests and instances and on Islet of Quel'Danas. Several rewards. See Destroyed Sun Offensive
NeutralThe Aldor Nock of Kil'jaeden, Mark of Sargeras and Fel Equipping turnins. The Aldor and The Scryers are at odds; you cannot hit faction for both simultaneously. To switch from Scryers to Aldor turn in [Dreadfang Venom Sac] at the Lower Metropolis quest giver. Several rewards including Fire Resist recipes.
NeutralThe Scryers Firewing Signet, Sunfury Signet, and Esoteric Tome turnins. The Aldor and The Scryers are at odds; you cannot pull ahead faction for some simultaneously. To switch from Aldor to Scryers go to sleep [Dampscale Basilisk Center] at the Lower City quest giver. Several rewards including Arcane Resist recipes.
NeutralThe Sha'tar Running any Tempest Keep instance, doing their quests. Additional hidden gain from turning in The Aldor and The Scryers reputation items. Single rewards, include poem healing mace and big defense shield.
Northrend World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King AllianceAlliance Cutting edge Consists of the following factions Explorers' League, The Frostborn, The Silver Covenant and Valiance Expedition. Various rewards.
NeutralArgent Movement Doing quests at Zul'Drak and Icecrown Several rewards.
AllianceExplorers' League Doing quests at Ululation Fjord. No known rewards.
NeutralFrenzyheart Kindred Doing quests at Sholazar Basin. Various rewards.
AllianceThe Frostborn Doing quests at Storm Peaks. None proverbial rewards.
HordeThe Hand of Vengeance Doing quests at Marvellous Fjord and Dragonblight. No known rewards.
HordeHorde Excursion Consists of the following factions The Turn over of Payback, The Taunka, Warsong Offensive and Sunreavers. Individual rewards.
NeutralThe Kalu'ak Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, and Dragonblight. Several rewards including a fishing terminal that allows aquatic external respiration.
NeutralKnights of the Ebony Blade Completing non-repeatable and daily quests in Icecrown. Non-repeatable Death Knight starting zona quests also available. Several rewards.
NeutralThe Oracles Doing quests at Sholazar Basin. Several rewards.
NeutralThe Sons of Hodir Doing quests at Storm Peaks. Some rewards including shoulder enchants and epic ground Mounts.
HordeThe Taunka Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fiord, and Dragonblight. No legendary rewards.
AllianceValorousness Dispatch Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, and Dragonblight. No known rewards.
HordeWarsong Offensive Doing quests at Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, and Dragonblight. Atomic number 102 known rewards.
NeutralThe Wyrmrest Accord Doing quests at Dragonblight and at the Transitus Harbour in Coldarra. Several rewards.
Dalaran World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King NeutralKirin Tor Doing quests at Dalaran, complemental jewelcrafting daily quests. Completing daily cooking and fishing quests. Some rewards. Most notably, head-slot item enhancements.
AllianceThe Silver Covenant Doing quests for the Argent Tournament. Money achievement.pngA Silver Confidant when rarefied with The Silver Covenant and a best of at least one interracial faction. This achievement unlocks extra Argent Tournament daily quests.
HordeThe Sunreavers Doing quests for the Argent Tourney. Money achievement.pngThe Sunreavers when exalted with The Sunreavers and a champion of at least one racial faction. This achievement unlocks additional Achromatic Tournament daily quests.
Mount Hyjal World of Warcraft: Cataclysm NeutralAvengers of Hyjal Killing bosses and trash in Firelands. Purchasable rewards from Avengers of Hyjal Quartermaster, Naresir Stormfury.
NeutralGuardians of Hyjal Doing quests in Wax Hyjal. For sale rewards from Guardians of Hyjal Quartermaster, Provisioner Whitecloud.
Deepholm World of Warcraft: Cataclysm NeutralThe Material Ring Doing quests in Deepholm, Mount Hyjal (as of Patch 4.2), and Vashj'atomic number 77. Venal rewards from The Earthen Ring Quartermaster, Provisioner Arok.
NeutralTherazane Doing quests for Therazane's agents and cleanup members of Twilight's Hammer. Shoulder enchants, ilvl 346 rings. Purchasable rewards from Therazane Quartermaster, D'lom the Collector.
Tol Barad World of Warcraft: Cataclysm AllianceBaradin's Wardens Doing quests in Tol Barad. Purchasable rewards from Baradin's Wardens Quartermaster, Quartermaster Brazie.
HordeHellscream's Reach Doing quests in Tol Barad. Available rewards from Hellscream's Reach Quartermaster, Pogg.
Fall Highlands World of Warcraft: Cataclysm HordeDragonmaw Tribe Doing quests in Gloam Highlands. Purchasable rewards from Dragonmaw Clan Quartermaster, Grotto Coup de grace.
AllianceWildhammer Kin Doing quests in Gloaming Highlands of Scotland. Purchasable rewards from Wildhammer Clan Quartermaster, Craw MacGraw.
Pandaria World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria AlliancePearlfin Jinyu World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Doing quests at and around Pearlfin Greenwich Village in the Jade Forest.
HordeForest Hozen World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Doing quests at and or so Grookin Hill? in the Jade Forest.
NeutralAnglers World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralGrand Celestials World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralBrewmasters World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralGolden Lotus World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralKlaxxi World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria   Doing Klaxxi quests in Dread Wastes   Mount and other rewards.
NeutralLorewalkers World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralOrder of the Cloud Serpent World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralShado-Pan out World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
NeutralShang 11's Academy World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Doing quests on Wandering Isle.
NeutralTillers World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Foray into
NeutralAshen Verdict World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Doing quests and killing mobs in Icecrown Citadel. Title at high-minded, upgradeable ring gettable at friendly, crafting patterns.
NeutralAshtongue Deathsworn World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Quests and killing mobs in the Black Temple. Various crafting rewards and class trinkets.
NeutralHover of Nozdormu Humourous mobs during the Ahn'Qiraj gates opening event, and killing mobs in the Ruins and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Likewise via the repeatable quest The Hand of the Just. Rewards include a especial ring and epic class sets with keepsake drops from AQ40.
NeutralCenarion Circle Killing Dusky mobs in Silithus and turning in items dropped by them; completing non-repeatable druid quests; complementary Lunar Festival quests; killing mobs in AQ20 and AQ40. Several rewards including class items from AQ20 token drops.
NeutralHydraxian Waterlords Cleanup elementals in Silithus or mobs in Molten Core. Before Patch 3.0.8, Items to mobilise Majordomo Executus in Molten Effect.
NeutralScale of the Sands World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Killing mobs in the Battle for Mount Hyjal. Rings and gem cuts.
NeutralZandalar Tribe Killing mobs in Zul'Gurub, doing the quests given at Yojamba Isle, and turn in coin sets Beaver State destroying Hakkari Bijoux, as well as turn in Shen'dralar Arcanums. Several rewards including class items from ZG item drops.
Other NeutralArgent Dawn Killing undead or turn in Scourgestones dropped aside undead; additive non-repeatable quests. As wel offered repute for quests and sidesplitting some mobs during the Scourge Intrusion. There are several rewards.
NeutralBloodsail Buccaneers Killing Pillage Bay guards. It will decrement your report with Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, and Ratchet. Too aside complementary not-quotable quests only offered subsequently attaining high enough reputation. You can get a specific quest chain at amiable, leading to [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat] .
NeutralDarkmoon Faire Various particular turn-ins, raw quotable quests offered as fortunes, and two non-repeatable quests. Discounted sale of various foods.
NeutralGelkis Clan Centaur[2] Killing Magram centaurs. Lowers your reputation with the Magram Clan Centaurus. Various not-quotable quest rewards.
NeutralKeepers of Time World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Killing mobs in Old Hillsbrad and Black Morass instances. There are several rewards.
NeutralMagram Clan Centaur[2] Killing Gelkis centaurs. Lowers your reputation with the Gelkis Clan Centaur. Various non-quotable quest rewards.
NeutralRamkahen World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Doing quests in Uldum. Purchasable rewards from Ramkahen Quartermaster, Blacksmith Abasi.
NeutralRavenholdt Turning in junkboxes pickpocket mobs past Rogues (lowers Syndicate reputation), or by turning in emblems pickpocketed from Syndicate mobs and just about not-repeatable quests (both Rogue single). Repeatable. Killing Syndicate mobs in Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains (adequate revered). Offer a few quest rewards.
NeutralShen'dralar Turning in Dire Maul books and librams. formerly needed for <the Insane> title; requirement remote
NeutralSyndicate[2] Killing Ravenholdt mobs. Lowers your reputation with Ravenholdt. No well-known rewards.
NeutralTh Brotherhood Several item turnins . Several rewards including Firing Resist crafting recipes.
NeutralTimbermaw Hold Killing other Furbolgs in Winterspring and Felwood, and turn in items dropped by them. Individual rewards.
HordeTranquillien World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Completing quests in the Ghostlands and turning in items dropped past the Scourge. Different assistant rewards.
NeutralThe Violet Centre World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade The Master's Discover quest chemical chain, killing mobs in Karazhan. Quest and reputation rewards.
AllianceWintersaber Trainers Completing time-consuming quotable quests. Unique climb.
Removed HordeRevantusk Tribe Doing quests at Revantusk Greenwich Village. This faction was removed as of patch 1.11 . No known rewards.
AllianceWildhammer Clan Turning in items born by trolls in The Hinterlands. This faction was removed as of patch 2.0.3 but was added over again in patch up 4.0.3 . No known rewards.
AllianceSilvermoon End Unknown Mentioned in Patch 1.6 . No more known rewards.
AllianceTheramore Unknown Mentioned in Patch 1.6 . No known rewards.
  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment City Tabards and BC Dungeons by Lylirra, 12/2/10 4:17 PM (UTC)
  2. ^ a b c It is currently impossible to reach Rarified with this faction.

In Wrath of the Lich Business leader

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King This plane section concerns content sole to Wrath of the Lich King.

Take in also championing.
See also Northrend Repute Rewards.

For the most start, the reputations from Classic WoW and from Burning Crusade are not Re-used in the Wrath of the Lich King. In the same manner that Cenarion Circle of Azeroth upturned into Cenarion Outing in Outland, some old factions have new reputations. For example, the Argent Break of day ready-made its manner to Northrend, but since it has allied with the Knights of the Silver Hand, they are called The Argent Campaign.

However, for achievements, umpteen old reputations standard new attending. Nearly all factions have an accomplishment tied to them (excluding the non-in-use factions such as Ravenholdt and Shen'dralar), and there are even additional achievements for pairs or groups of factions. E.g., acquiring exalted with both Cenarion Circle and the Cenarion Hostile expedition will get you the title of <Tutelar of Cenarius>. Visualise Achievements for more inside information.


Re: What is the rep in lich king? | 2007-12-05 20:05 | Bornakk

Patc we haven't discussed reputation factions for Wrath of the Lich King, I lav explicate that from a plan philosophy we favor to NOT give players more experienced players a distinct advantage when it comes to new content. If you take The Ablaze Crusade as an example, there was no reputation that gave you an edge in Outland OR would speed you further. Based along this case I wouldn't think the current Argent Dawn faction would be Ra-used for Northrend.

Regar original mail service


Patch up changes

  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King / World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (12-Oct-2010):
    Method of gaining reputation with your faction away donating Wool, Silk, Mageweave and Runecloth removed.
  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.3.0 (08-Dec-2009): Reputation gain has been sped up approximately 30% for a number of factions: Argent Fight, Coalition Vanguard, Horde Expedition, Kirin Tor, Knights of the Ebony Blade, Sons of Hodir, Wyrmrest Accord
  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): Reputation rewarded for killing mobs wish no longer automatically decrease. This means unimportant mobs will retain to give out their heavy amounts of reputation on kill for the majority of cases in the game (level 70 [set] creatures in Stratholme, for object lesson, will remain to award the full amount of rep to level 80 players seeking to boost their Silver Dawn faction).
  • World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Darn 2.4.0 (25-Mar-2008): A bug was unmoving in which discounts were not given with flightmasters and repairs.
  • World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Patch 2.3.0 (13-Nov-2007): Vendor Discounts: All vendors, flightmasters, and repairs with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels higher up neutral: (Sociable: 5%, Worthy: 10%, Revered: 15%, Exalted: 20%).
    Antecedently there was a underdeveloped 10% discount starting at honored.
  • World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Maculatio 2.3.0 (13-Nov-2007): The requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to reputable.
    Previously required revered.
  • World of Warcraft Patch 1.7.0 (13-Sep-2005): Reputation gains given to a player on the Alliance, Swarm, or Steamwheedle Cartel factions at once will immediately cascade down to phallus factions through the middle of the Exalted reputation level.
  • World of Warcraft Patch 1.3.0 (07-Mutilate-2005): Players under Mind Controller pass reputation changes due to kills to the controlling instrumentalist, and do non receive the reputation changes themselves.

See also

  • Faction
  • Friend sect
  • Friend report

External golf links


Where to Buy Tabard to Increase Highmountain Rep

Source: https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Reputation

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